Friday, September 30, 2011


I am curious to know if any other artists out there agree with this idea of "Playing the Game." It's talking about how black artists feel they must show a Caucasian image to be successful. I'm curious for opinions on this.
TARRICE LOVE - PHOTOGRAPHER: ... PLAY THE GAME.: I was chatting with a photographer and he expressed his frustrations with a black designer who hired him to shoot his lookbook and when seve...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Destiny from Pedro & Tomas on Vimeo.

..."sometimes we wish love was another item on the shelf. Another item of convenience.."

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Peace Corp?

So, I have been having a bit of a Quarter Life Crisis..I've been feeling like maybe I need to get I need to see the world and experience something to help my creativity and do something worthwhile. A very new yet dear friend of mine has been telling me of her trip to Guyana through the Peace Corp. Along with some other things I have found inspiring, and some other personal goals I have in life, I think this may be a very beneficial next step for me.

So I am starting the application! Hopefully somewhere in the next year I'll set sail on an adventure. I am hoping it'll help me with some inspiration and time to experiment as well as see something other than the modern world and help someone out at the same time. Plus I think if I document everything it'll lead to some great discoveries! Wish me luck and stay tuned!

til next time
<3 The Sartor

Monday, July 11, 2011

Beyonce on her Album 4

I have loved this woman since she was in Destiny's Child. I love her and her music, but this makes you appreciate her more. From an artists stand point its refreshing to see how she struggles too. I have had many experiences in the past three years with my masters program where I needed a wake up call. Where I needed a huge break to slow down and reorganize...
And in the past few months, I have learned to self manage. So this is something that I intend to hold dear to my heart for inspiration and motivation.

Monday, July 4, 2011


So I have been a little down on myself recently..all this adjustment after graduating, so I went to a friends house and it was a very refreshing evening.
She lives in Russian Hill and her view is amazing...she, her son and another of my friends, and I  cooked a wonderful dinner and sipped drinks and chatted on the roof while the sun went down over the Golden Gate Bridge.
Photobucket But most refreshing was a quote she had on her window and my commute home through her neighborhood this morning.
"Wake up and find something beautiful to embrace." So I took the quote to heart and shot some photos on my walk through her area...
I am slowly feeling better about my creativity which I have felt was lacking even before I graduated...let's see how things go!

Til next time!
The Sartor

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm back!

After graduation, celebrating and bit of R&R I am trying to get back into the swing of things..I found this on my friend Gerhart's blog...and I am putting it here to help me get moving!